So far I have started to feel great!! (knock on wood) I have even started to feel some major movements from the baby!! I can even distinguish actual kicks!! It sometimes takes my breath cause I don't know it is coming and just puts me in shock. I love it!! We will find out the sex of the baby on April 3 that is 11 days away!! YEAH WE CAN'T WAIT!! ((I know the rest of you are just as anxious)) I promise we will make the calls one by one as soon as we get out of the appt!!
Fidel is absouletly my everything right now!! I love him more and more everyday!! He makes this whole pregnancy worth it so far and is just a amazing supporter i have really seen him grow up in these last few months. I can't wait for everyone to see it for themselves. I really just can't give him enough credit.
Now I will share a little story.....
Fidel and I were in the shoe store the other day .
If anyone knows Fidel he loves shoe and his Nike Air Forces.
Well I told him I wanted to go look at the baby shoes and so we went we got over to the section and i showed him a far of Nike Air Forces just like the ones he had on his feet for infants and some Jordans and bless his heart he got teary eyed. I thought it was so cute. Needless to say I am sure our baby will be in them shoes.
I just thought i would share that story with you cause it made me smile. I asked him why he got teary eyed and he said because he got happy !!! Aww