Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Update on Dr. Apt & Belly Pics!!

So the Dr. Appointment went great!! The Dr. said I was completely healthy and that the baby's heartbeat was great. They did not do an ultrasound though :( It was cute cause everytime I go to the Dr. I have to give urine. Well after I got out of the bathroom and went to the room where fidel was he gave me a complete run down of what was ahead of me . haha he asked the nurse all the questions before I even got back. But I am not going to complain at least he shows intrest in all of it !! I can't brag about him enough. We will Def find out what we are having on April 3 !! And they told me to bring in a DVD so that they can record the whole ultrasound for me!! I thought that was awesome cause now we can share it with you. On another note all of you have been wanting belly pics. So here are just a few that i approved of and no fat jokes please. lol




  1. you look really good . And im happy to hear that my son is very supportive. Good job son you both are going to make great parents.

  2. Yeah Belly look great I can't wait for the april 3rd!!

  3. Aw!You look so good.My future grandchild is definitely growing.Can't wait to see more pic's.Love all three of ya!
