Monday, March 2, 2009

Lil Kitty's Adventure!!!!!

So some of you know that our Lil Kitty went missing.. She was gone for 2 1/2 days and we thought she was gone. I went to the animal shelter and all. But she came home she woke me up out of a dead sleep crying at my window early Sunday morning she has been missing since Sat night. We are so glad to have her home.. We love our Lil Kitty !!! 



  1. Im so happy your lil kitty is home, i know how it feels to lose a pet. CUTE PIX. By the way , hope we find out what we are having this week. Girl or boy we are going to love it just the same. Love you guys ALL FOUR OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm glad your little family is back together again.Take care of yourself and little kitty.Love Ya!(Mom)
