Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Gabriel Fidel Ayala !!

I got induced at midnight August 3, 2009. They told me just to rest until 7 a.m. when they was suppose to start pitocin ( to induce labor) I did not make it that far. They hooked me up to the monitors and gave me siatec to soften my cervix. Dr. Mehta said that it would not put me into labor but a 6 a.m. i woke up in the worst pain ever. I was having contraction after contraction. The minute one stopped the next one started. I did not even have time to catch my breath . I was 1 cm dialated . I got some pain medication but it did not work very well. By 7:30 i was 3 cm dialated and i asked for the epidural. By the time i got it, it was around 8:30 they had to try 3 times before they got it in the right spot but i swear that the epidural did not work either . They checked me after i got the epidural and i was 6 cm dialated. At around 9:30 I was having the urge to push so bad and they in the worst pain ever they told me i could not push yet i was 9 cm then and still had a little bit of cervix still left. Finally about 15 minutes later I was having the urge to push so bad they called the Dr. and I started to push he was out about 30 minutes later. That was the worst but most worth it pain i have ever been in . He was born at 10:13 a.m. 8 lbs 9 oz. , 20 1/2 inches long, and healthy. When they sat him on my chest he still wasn't cying so i just looked at him and said " Gabriel please cry so I know you are ok. " and he started to cry. It was amazing . Fidel cut the embilical cord. We got our first family photo. My mom was in the delivery room with me and fidel. I could tell that really meant alot to her and I was glad to have her there. Even though she said it killed her to see her child in so much pain she wanted to cry and was getting mad at the nurses cause they would not give me the epidural they kept telling me I had to wait. After Dr. Mehta was done with everything he had to do he leaned over to me and kissed me on the cheek and said " Congrats, you did a great job. " My mom thought it was the sweetest thing in the world she has never seen a Dr. do that before. I truely do have the best Dr. I would suggest him to anyone. and O I got out of bed and walked & got in the shower an hour after I had him!! That was awesome too!! David came to see us after I had him and stayed there all day long with us. That really meant alot to me to. He has been very supportive through all of it. Brandon came after he got off work.They released Gabe and I 24 hours after time of delivery, because me and Gabe did so well. I love my small little family so much !!! My family is complete. I got alot of phone calls in the hospital and thank you everyone. my sister got in yesterday and was so excited to see Gabe as soon as she seen him she started to cry !! It really meant alot to me to have her here cause i really felt like she was disappointed in me for getting pregnant. And you know us she has been a big part of my life she had to be my sister, best friend, supporter, & mom all in one. So she was a person I never wanted to disappoint. I was not always the best for her but everyone makes mistakes and learn from them. I love you all !! Hope you enjoy the slide show !!!

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I love seeing all the pictures and I'm sure Fidel's parent's do as well. Rose probably gets teary eyed like me every time you see them. I love all of you. Take care now!
