Friday, February 6, 2009

Dr.'s Appointment...........

............went great!!! We got to see our lil baby not so much of a peanut anymore though. The Dr. said everything looks well and me and the baby are healthy except the fact I have a UTI (ugh). Man, was the baby moving all around and it's little heartbeat was beating so fast. Fidel, was probably the best part of the whole appt., the way he got the biggest smile on his face when he seen the baby turn his head and say hello made my heart feel so warm. I knew the baby was going to have the best father. I really think Fidel is doing absoultly amazing I could not ask for a better boyfriend or soon to be father to our baby. He really does take good care of me when I am not feeling well. Just thought I should take some time out to give him credit where it is due.

ok ok ok back to baby .....
here is the picture's you all have been waiting for.
o and the Dr. said that my blood type is O negative.
and said the blood banks would love me
i never knew that ..
The Profile Shot.
(look at that jaw line. & it's waving it's lil hand)
Fidel's Fav. (It looked right at us)
Another Profile Shot.
(not as good as the first but you can see the spine and 2 hands.)


  1. OH,he or she is looking great! My little grandchild is really growing.Almost made me cry,but a happy cry if that makes sense.Love all three of you.Tell Fidel he's doing a great job and I'm proud of him.Some guy's wouldn't go with you to the Doctor.Take care.

  2. Yeah it looks great, im so glad i can see the baby now :)
